Quality is a priority in the activities of MIPE TEXTIL, S.L. The general objectives concerning quality guide MIPE TEXTIL, S.L. are set out in the Quality Policy, defined by its General Management.

The general quality objectives that the company aims to achieve with the implementation of its Quality Policy in daily practice are as follows:

·      Making quality an essential element in the company?s culture.

·      To fully comply with the requirements of our customers, as well as those legal and regulatory requirements related to our products.

·      Achieving the commitment and involvement of all the company members with a COMPANY Quality Policy and developing a Participative Quality Management that takes advantage of the capabilities of all the staff.

·      Permanently optimize all processes to eliminate non-quality costs.

·      To carry out continuous improvement of our processes to achieve quality in all our work, emphasizing preventive activities.

To achieve the general quality objectives, the Quality Committee establishes specific quality objectives annually. These objectives, which may be qualitative or quantitative, are disseminated to the other members of MIPE TEXTIL, S.L. before the beginning of each year. The Quality Committee periodically evaluates progress in achieving these objectives.

To establish quality objectives in the short term, the Management Committee will have to take into account the following factors:

·      Market situation (customer requirements and needs, competitors).

·      Results compared to the previous year?s quality,

·      Deviations detected concerning previous objectives.

The General Management of MIPE TEXTIL, S.L. is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this Quality Policy, its evaluation, suitability, and communication to all the company?s personnel.

Certificado IQNet 0117-2003

Certificado ER 0117-2003